Saturday, August 12, 2017

ReNewzit, Behind the Scenes, by Jeff Bailey


A couple of weeks ago, a project that I contributed to, in a small way, was completed. The project was the short film, ReNewzit, by screenwriter and producer Randy LaBarge and director Nat Saenz of 2047 Productions. ReNewzit is a locally produced comedy short about an amazing cleaning product.
Randy LaBarge

I can’t show the actual film, yet, but I can show the ‘Behind the Scenes’ video. I know that ReNewzit proper is entered as a short film at WorldCon in Messukeskus, Helsinki,Finland, from August 9th to the 13th. ReNewzit is also entered in the Tri-Fi Film Festival in Richland, Washington in October. If the producer enters ReNewzit into other
Nat Saenz
film festivals, I’ll post an alert. As soon as the season’s film festivals are completed and I have permission from Nat Saenz, I’ll post a link to the film itself. It’s a crack up.

As I said, I had a small part in the production. The credits list me as a ‘Script Assistant.’ I actually spent part of my time as a ‘grip’ and part of my time carrying a clipboard and recording scene sequence information (that’s the script assistant part.)

Jeff Bailey
While I didn’t actually have a role as a writer, I learned so much that the experience was almost overwhelming. Seeing how these artists put a scene together and how much effort was applied to every detail was an education in itself. I was surprised at how much I found that I could apply to the process of writing a novel. I immediately came home after the final day of shooting and rewrote some of my chapters. I have started advising new writers to write a scene as though you were describing a movie to a blind man. I’m still applying some of what I learned to my latest project. For me, the experience was like cross-training in the sports world.

 As authors, if you ever get a chance to work/volunteer on the writing and/or production of a film (of any length) with a truly professional crew, I highly recommend the experience. I can’t wait for my next opportunity to work ‘behind the scenes.’

My name is Jeff Bailey. I write nuclear thrillers for a reason, I’ve worked in nuclear related industries, from nuclear weapons to nuclear research, for fifty years. Deer Hawk Publications released my first book, The Defect in June of 2016. In The Defect, I tell the story of a terrorist attack on a nuclear power plant and why the government covered it up. The Defect is based on true events. Deer Hawk Publications is scheduled to release I’m a Marine in the summer of 2017. I’m a Marine is about a female aviation firefighter in the U.S. Marines who witnesses the murder of two M.P.s. She decides that it is her duty to stop them. Keep in mind that I write nuclear thrillers. The Chilcoat Project, to be released in spring of 2018, is about the theft of nuclear weapons secrets from a national laboratory. The Chilcoat Project is also based on true events. My current project, Wine Country, is based on the true story of the Radioactive Boy Scout, but with a more sinister twist.

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