One of the story aspects that I particularly like is that Berenson blends a bit of moral and ethical analysis into his characters idle times. These ‘musings’ add real depth to the back story. Of course, there is not much that I ever felt that I was reading the transcript of a Dr. Phil show. The Shadow Patrol had the feel and pace of a true CIA investigation. It was relentless.
For me, Alex Berenson and The Shadow Patrol were both five stars. Buy now on Amazon.
My name is Jeff Bailey I write action thrillers inspired by real events taken from everyday news. I also infuse elements of my near 50 years of experiences in nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants and nuclear research into my stories.
Not On My Watch is about a LCpl. Casandra Sing, a Marine aviation rescue firefighter. The inspiration for Cassie's character was the stories that my granddaughter, who was a Marine Corp. aviation rescue firefighter at the time of the writing. Elements of the story are also taken from my service in the Army Nuclear Weapons Program. LCpl. Sing witnesses the murder of two U.S. Army M.P.'s and decides that is her duty to stop the murderers. The situation gets complicated when she discovers that they have also stolen two nuclear weapons. Buy now on Amazon.
In The Defect, I tell the story of a terrorist attack on a nuclear power plant and why the government covered it up. The Defect is based on true events: The reactor accident at Three Mile Island NPS and a shooting incident at Watts Bar NPS. Some story elements come from years starting-up and operating nuclear power plants. In The Defect, I tell the story of what really happened at the power plant and why the government covered it up. Buy now on Amazon.