Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Defect is in a Bookstore

My foray into the world of writing novels has been one 'first time event' after another. Some of my ‘first time events’ were better than others. First, I had to learn how to write. I had to learn how to keep track of an extended story. I tried outlining, but I’m an engineer. I ended up using a spreadsheet to keep track of my story. Spread sheeting a novel was a first for me. I may do a post on how I use a spreadsheet to keep track of an extended story with several threads.
I had to join a writer’s guild, the Sagebrush Writers Guild, and a writer’s style group, the Wordherders. I was unconfutable walking into the first meeting of both. It was like bulling my way through a first day on a new job. Who was I to be sitting there with these experienced, published authors? I also had to join a variety of on-line writing support groups like,, Goodreads. com. and the
A more time consuming series of firsts were the multimedia groups. It took weeks to produce my first webpage. Even now, weeks later, I’m still updating and perfecting my personal home page on a daily basis. I did learn. Now, I have 40 web pages on a variety of subjects. If you’re reading this, you know that I can write a blog in under eight hours. Again, I learn so much from other people’s blogs. Another big time scary ‘first; was making, editing, and posting by first two UTube videos and opening my UTube channel. It is obvious to all that I’m not Spielberg, but I work at it.
All of those ‘firsts’ are coming together. A few weeks ago, ‘my’ book appeared in the listings of both and There is also the small kiosk display on a countertop at a local business (pictured).
The big first that I’ve been waiting for (the granddaddy of all firsts) happened this last Wednesday. I found my book in a bookstore, The Bookworm. I know that many of the other milestones in the last two years are equally as significant, but….
The Defect is on display on the new authors (that’s me) shelf in a bookstore.Others books by Justina Chen: North of Beautiful, Blind Spot for Boys, and Return to Me.
Jeff Bailey’s latest release: The Defect. Future releases by Jeff Bailey include I’m a Marine, The Chilcoat Project, and Wine Country.

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